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06/04/2003 - New hacked items and Updates


Hi there! I've been working in some hacked items, and an update: The Negative Sims Mood Machine can now also change your personality. We also have another items.


- The Negative Sims Mood Machine (Updated) (Hacked)

- The Negative Sims Good Mood Pet Food Bowl (Hacked)

- The Negative Sims Smart Pet Food Bowl (Hacked)

- The Negative Sims Poisoned Pet Food Bowl (Hacked)


29/03/2003 - Some UNIQUE items...

Today, I've uploaded some new objects that you should have, specially the first one (The Mood Machine), that has a LOT of unique features. Please follow the link to see them:

- The Negative Sims Special Turkey (Hacked)

- The Nude Diving Board (Hacked)


15/03/2003 - Some information, problems and...HACKED ITEMS!!!

Since the last update, we've had some problems, because the main page was (and actually IS) down, closed, dead or whatever you'd like to say. However, the page is still ALIVE, but in another direction (THIS ONE) I'll try to keep updating this once a week, but it is still hard because of some problems with my internet connection. Hopefully, I'm fixing those problems. I've also made some changes with wrong links (The burglar alarm and the Raccoon Alarm ones), and, at last, I've finished one of my biggest hacking projects: The Negative Sims In Home Bars, It took me 3 weeks to do it...but it's finished at last. I've also made some updates and changes:


-The SpaceKiller Shower Everyone has been DELETED and now is GONE, DEAD or whatever you may say, because of some problems i had with it. Still, to repair it, i've uploaded 2 NEW showers, that have the same properties the first one had, plus more, check it out:

The Non-Privacy Showers (Hacked)

- The Non-Pets Door (Hacked)

- The Negative Sims In Home Bar (Hacked)


02/03/2003 - A LOT of new objects & a new objects section

Today, I've opened a new objects sections: The Ethereal Objects Section. In this section, I'll put all the transparent objects. I've also uploaded some other objects:


- The Negative Hot Tub (Plumbing)

- Updated the Negative Bookcases Collection (Misc)

- The Negative Tiki Bar (Misc)

- The Haunted castle set (Ethereal)

- The Ethereal Shrubs (Ethereal)

- The Color windows (Ethereal)


23/02/2003 - 4 new objects

I couldn't update the page last week because i had some problems with my internet connection. But now, i've uploaded 4 objects:


The Raccoon Alarm (Hacked)

- The Bookcases Collection (Misc)


09/02/2003 -  Some new objects

Today, we have added 3 new Phone Plugins, and 2 new objects. Also, we found a bug on the Palm Reader Plugin (Posted last week), that quits your game to desktop. We haven't fixed this yet, and we won't take the plugin out of the page, but we recommend you to save every short time if you are using this plugin (If the Palm Reader is in your house). We have added:

- The Tragic Clown Phone Plugin (Hacked)

- The Janitor Phone Plugin (Hacked)

- The Yeti Phone Plugin (Hacked)

- The NegaTrack Telescope (Others)

- The Horse Park Rockers ( Others)

We haven't post any of the Plugins images, but we will post them later.


02/02/2003 - 7 New objects and a hard day


Yesterday was a hard day, and I mean not only for me. I guess the USA received a very hard hit, and also did the space flights. But I guess, even when I think that the Columbia's disaster was terrible, life will go on. So will this page do. We have added some new objects, being the biggest one the new kind of hacked object: The Phone Plug in. This one lets you call some NPCs that aren't meant to be in the neighborhood...and some others that are, but that only show up sometimes. These are our new objects:

- The Claire The Bear Phone Plug in (Hacked)

- The Palm Reader Phone Plug in (Hacked)

-The DJ Phone Plug in (Hacked)

-The Negative Tiki Shower (Plumbing)

-The Negative Exercise Machine (Misc)

-The Negative Exercise Machine Everyone Vers0.1 (Hacked)

- The Negative Bamboo Sofa (Seating)

Please, do not upload these objects to any page

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